SQL Assistant Java Edition is an information discovery tool that retrieves data from Teradata Database systems and allows the data to be manipulated and stored on the desktop. It is built on top of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP).
This allows the product to take advantage of the RCP framework for building and deploying native GUI applications to a variety of desktop operating systems. SQL Assistant Java Edition can be run on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX operating systemts. The Eclipse platform is designed as an open tools platform but architected so that its components (or a subset of its components) can be used to build RCP applications.
This allows SQL Assistant Java Edition to benefit from the many high quality Eclipse features available while focusing on value-add for Teradata.
Main features:
- Modular display that allows you to move panels around, creating a custom look and feel.
- Data Source Explorer to view database objects, such as schemas , tables, macros, stored procedures, user-defined functions, user-defined types, views, and triggers. (NOTE: SQL Assistant Java Edition uses the term schema to refer to a database.)
- Data Source Explorer menu options to run Stored Procedures, Macros, and User-defined Functions.
- Connection Profile Wizard to create connection profiles using the Teradata JDBC Driver.
- SQL Editor to create, modify, and execute individual or multiple SQL Statements, including parsing the SQL statement for syntax errors and formatting the SQL according to selected formatting options.
- Support for Parameterized Queries including Named Parameters
- SQL Editor Templates (INSERT, SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE, and more)
- Result Set Viewer that displays result set data, allowing the user to select rows and cells, copy and format data, sort, hide, and move columns, and search for result set data values.
- SQL History view that stores historical data for executed SQL statements with time values and status information.
- Ability to export result set data as plain text, XML, HTML, CSV, as well as Excel format.
- SQL Query Builder to visually build and edit SQL queries.
- Data wizard to extract data from the Teradata Database to a file on the desktop.
- Data wizard to load data from the desktop file system to the Teradata Database.